Monday, September 13, 2010

Restaurant Review: "Wingers" of Idaho Falls

Mike and I got up this morning a little late and lazy. So we headed over to Wingers for brunch. My first impression was that the staff was friendly and helpful. Of course they had just opened and we were their first customers, but it was still nice. Our waitress was very attentive. Again, she had no other customers, so no reason not to be. While we were waiting for our food, there was popcorn and crayons for the kids. This was perfect for them. I think it's a smart move to offer popcorn. It's so kid-friendly!
Mike ordered buffalo wings, Phil ordered mac-n-cheese, and I ordered smothered chicken with coconut rice and celery. Mike's wings were HUGE! Aside from at Buffalo Wild Wings, I don't think I've ever seen a restaurant serve wings that big. He said they tasted pretty good. They were pretty spicy, and had a little too much sauce on them though. From what I can tell Phillip liked his mac-n-cheese. He gobbled it down. My food was really good. My only complaint about the food is that they didn't give me very much celery. Only three very small slices. I expected more when actually ordering it as a side.
We had a good time and overall it was a great dining experience. The one flaw in the whole meal is that there were a few flies buzzing around that kind of irked me. Sans flies, it would have been perfect.

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