Friday, September 3, 2010

Movie Discussion: "The Shawshank Redemption"


There are very few great movies that really stand the test of time. The Shawshank Redemption made it's theatrical debut 16 years ago, but only just managed to make it to my living room. I'm never fully sure what to expect when I watch an older movie. My two biggest concerns are usually: Will the sound quality be so terrible that I can't understand half the dialogue?, and will the outdated story even appeal to me? Both of those concerns were put to rest with this movie.
The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about two men. They seem very, very different at first. One of them, (Morgan Freeman) known in the movie as "Red," was sentenced to life in prison for murder. He is guilty of his crime, but seems to have changed his ways in his 20 years in the prison. The other, (Tim Robbins) a.k.a "Andy," was sentenced to prison for murdering his wife and her lover. He maintains that he is innocent, and later in the movie we find out if that's true.
Red first sees Andy the day he arrives to prison. The newest prisoners are stepping off the bus when Red and his friends make a bet on which one of them will break down the first night. Red places his bet on the tall, lanky Andy. But Andy never makes a sound. This is the point where Red first starts to like Andy. It's a while before Andy talks to anyone. He is very shy and reserved. Then one day on the prison yard, he comes up to Red and asks him to locate a rock hammer. His reason is that he has a hobby of chiseling rocks and he wants to make a chess set. Since Red is the man who can "get things" in prison, he reluctantly agrees. From that point on the two men start forming a bond.
Throughout all of Andy's hardships in prison, he somehow maintains his integrity and composure. Andy and Red seem to keep each other going. They give each other hope. Together they make the best of a terrible situation. And that's the point of this movie. Friendship, bonding, and hope in a perilous situation.
The Shawshank Redemption is touching, on the highest level. It makes you realize how even the most terrible of trials can yield a positive outcome. No matter what situation life has put you in, there is a way. There is hope. I highly recommend everyone see this movie. If you can get past it's graphic nature, there is a lighthearted lesson to be learned here.

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