Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Movie Discussion: "The Untouchables"


Well, I sure have been spoiled lately. I have watched yet another great movie. "The Untouchables" was a refreshing break from your typical "mobster" movie. (Although those are pretty great, too.) I enjoy seeing a movie that's more aimed towards the good guys from time to time.
The movie is about a treasury officer (Kevin Costner) who is sent to help deplete the crime caused by the prohibition of alcohol and subsequent bootlegging industry. Al Capone (Robert DeNiro) has the city of Chicago under the rule of his iron fist and uses whatever means necessary to persuade local businesses to traffic his booze. Costner gets off to a bad start when his first day on the job, his "bust" doesn't go as planned. He soon learns that most of the police department is on Capone's payroll, and he can't trust anyone. So he forms a team of three other trustworthy guys and they waste no time pissing of Capone.
It seems the only way to get Capone is by financial means. He hasn't paid his taxes in a very long time, and has millions in laundered money scattered throughout various businesses. So the men begin building their case against him, all the while stopping the flow of alcohol in it's tracks. There is no lack of action or excitement throughout their quest. Capone's men are armed and dangerous, and willing to sacrifice it all to bring them down.
I won't spoil the ending. You just have to see it for yourself. Great movie! My only complaint is the small amount of screen time Robert De Niro has. You would think a movie about Al Capone would have a little more of him actually in it. Nevertheless, each tiny moment we see him is priceless and well worth the wait.

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