Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey everyone, I don't think I'm going to have time for anything other than my writing for a while, so I'm transferring all my poetry to a different blog. When I get some free time from school I will do my best to post more craft stuff. My new blog is   Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Strong Woman

She works to pay the mortgage while she thinks about the past
She just can't understand why her dream was not to last
It wasn't very long ago when possibilities were so vast
Now her future with her children is moving by too fast

There used to be a time when love was all she knew
She'd stay at home so happily attending to her brood
Then one day fate was not so kind, and tragedy ensued
Now within her walls, one would guess a solemn mood

But inside her home is joyous and her children smile and play
Just like the happy moments in their life of yesterday
She gives them hugs and kisses in her motherly way
Then she lays them down to sleep and together they pray

They pray for all the silly things that children hold so dear
Stuffed teddybears and friends are the first things that we hear
Next the prayer changes to a different atmosphere
When Mommy hears her children pray for something more this year

It is no easy task to fill her burdened shoes
But she does it with a smile, and her smile is not a ruse
Her strength cannot be seen with uneducated eyes
She is a woman of His glory seeking Faith from up on high

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dark and Twisty

I'm sitting in the dark wilderness and nobody can see me.
I'm screaming in the vast wilderness and nobody can hear me.
I exist in this wilderness but nobody can feel me.
I'm rotting in this wilderness and the beasts do not smell me.

There are others in the wilderness and I see them.
They are screaming in their wilderness and I can hear them.
They exist in their wilderness and I touch them.
They do not rot in their wilderness but I smell them.

Why are they so blind but I can see?
Who gave me ears to hear when I can't breath?
When will they feel my gentle need?
What scent must I emit to stop their greed?

Perhaps this wilderness is not for me.
Maybe I should leave and let them be.
Conceivably this dream will end, we'll see.
Possibly I will take my pain and flee.

I could paddle down the river, but there would be no fish and I would starve.
I could move into the city, but the restaurants would disappear and I would starve.
I could build a treehouse in the jungle, but there would be no fruit and I would starve.
I could stay here in my wilderness, alone, and my soul will starve.

Which path in life will I choose?
What plan is in store for me?
What dreams will I lose?
Which road will it be?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poetry 3

This is dedicated to my firstborn...

For months I held you safe in nature's sweet embrace
We'd talk and read and sing, and I'd long to see your face
In every waking moment, I was thinking about you
Thinking about the day you would make my dreams come true

I was dreaming of your innocence and counting down the days
I was thinking of how I would love you in oh so many ways
I was waiting for your presence to be known unto the world
I was hoping for an angel that I, myself, could hold

Plans were made, and one day soon you came into my life
I soon found out it's hard to be a mother and a wife
I worked so hard, but still you cried, and I didn't understand
I looked for someone stronger to come and take my hand

The next few years were not the way I thought that they would be
It took a lot of love and work for Him to make me see
That every dream is different, but every one comes true
Through all the trials and hardships, I'm so grateful He sent you

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Although I was pretty happy with my fabric high chair experiment, it still wasn't quite perfect. Danny wasn't able to escape, but I didn't like how wiggly he was. I was awake most of the night trying to think of a solution to my problem. Unfortunately I fell asleep without figuring out what to do. But alas, my brain was hard at work whilst I slept. I had a dream that I made a slip cover to go over the back of the chair, and attached it to the seat. So that's exactly what I woke up and did today. The chair is perfect now, and not even my four and half year old can get out.  

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fabric High Chair!!!!!!!

I have been wanting to make one of these for a very long time, but I was nervous. We currently use a fisher price high chair that straps onto our dining chair. I have really enjoyed having it, but it has it's flaws. The biggest one being that you can't wash the cover in the washing machine. I finally put my fears aside and went to work. Here's what I came up with:

Yes, I know. A teddybear is not a baby. But I did this project during naptime, and I don't have the patience to wait for baby boy to wake up before posting.

This is my favorite feature. The flap both keeps baby from pulling the velcro apart, and acts as a bib to keep baby's clothes clean. GENIUS!

I love that I can use this chair anywhere and it fits in my diaper bag! I foresee a lot of wear and tear in the future. Let me know if you guys are interested in a tutorial!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Poetry

A memory is fading, all the while I take a drink
I know it isn't worth it, but your presence makes me sink
My tears will fade and for a while my heart will bleed no more
I know I had a life, but my future is so unsure

I pour another glass because I still can see your face
Why won't this pain just go away, why won't this drink erase
Without you here I'm just not whole, and life itself is dim
I know it won't be much longer now, so I put my mouth to the rim

Oh grant me liquid freedom! Loose these ties that bind
Bless me with serenity and let my pain unwind
It will not be much longer now, I feel a sweet release
Suddenly I realize I need your inner peace
I need your face, your smile, your love, please don't disappear
I will drift off in your beauty, so grateful you're still here

Saturday, January 1, 2011


A stream is trickling slowly by
I gaze into it's blue hue
Every piece is perfect
Not a pebble set askew

The world is full of wonder
My heart smiles in delight
At all the gifts God's given me
Everything seems so right

A bluejay sings
A cricket chirps
Dew poses daintily on a leaf
And for a moment
I feel His presence
And the world is perfect

Super Mario BBQ Apron

I promise I'm not the lamest wife of all time for making my husband an apron for Christmas, ha ha. Under normal circumstances, an apron would be a terrible gift for a man. However, my hubby and I love to BBQ and I wanted to give Mike something to remind him of summer, (winter here in Idaho is brutal). Well, this is what I came up with. He loves Super Mario, and it was a big hit! I wasn't able to measure him before making it, so I am going to have to shorten the neck strap just a little.

Laptop Sleeve

When I saw this idea here, I just had to give it a try. I have to admit though, that I was a little intimidated by the instructions. It took me a while to get it all figured out and feel comfortable enough to start sewing. But you should really give it a go. It was a great learning experience.

Christmas Tree Skirt

It's not my most amazing craft of all time, but I didn't have a tree skirt this year. I basically just used my dining room table top as a reference, cut a big circle from the polkadot vinyl and then put green-striped material around the edge. I cut a slit in the back, up to the middle, and viola! Super duper easy tree skirt.

Accent Chair Makeover

So, here's what I started with. These are actually our patio chairs, but since winter in Idaho is less than welcoming, we had to bring them inside. I love these chairs and I don't want to alter them permanently, I just want them to match my living room while they're in the house.

The first thing I did was make a slip cover for the bottom cushion. I had an old couch cover in my storage room, and I ripped it up and used the material. Then, I was about to make a cover for the back cushion when I remembered that I have these awesome Euro-pillows just laying around. A friend of mine gave them to me when she moved, and I never really figured out where to put them. 

Here is a before/after kind of shot. Don't worry, chair number two should be finished soon. 

I might be adding a tutorial of how to make these cushion slipcovers when I make my second one. They're actually very easy.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I have some exciting news for my poor, sad, deprived followers. Once Christmas is over with, I'll be posting all the awesome crafts I've been working on for the past month. I can't wait to share it with you. Keep an eye out!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Zesty Noodles and Cheese

Pictures coming soon!

Apparently, I'm into "zesty" recipes right now. This recipe is really easy to alter to fit the amount of spiciness your family likes.

You'll need:

     16 oz. box of pasta
     16 oz. sliced deli ham, chopped
     4 cups shredded cheddar
     1 1/2 cups milk
     1 cup heavy cream
     1/2 cup sour cream
     2 tsp. ground mustard
     2 tbsp. worcestershire sauce
     1 tbsp. franks red hot sauce
     salt and pepper to taste
     1 1/2 cups italian bread crumbs
     1 cup melted butter

In a 9x13 baking dish, combine ham, 3 cups cheddar, milk, cream, sour cream, ground mustard, sauces, salt and pepper. Prepare pasta per box instructions then drain and add to dish. (If you're mixture doesn't seem creamy enough at this point you can add a little more milk)  Mix bread crumbs and butter and sprinkle on top of other ingredients. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Sprinkle some paprika on last and then bake at 350 for thirty minutes. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coconut Rice

I get a little bored with plain white rice sometimes so I came up with a yummy coconut rice recipe. This isn't necessarily healthy, but it's not bad for you and my kids seemed to like it a lot. It's actually really simple, too!

You'll need:
     1 cup basmati rice
     1 cup coconut milk
     1 1/4 cup water
     salt and pepper to taste
     a couple of shakes of parsley

Combine all ingredients in a pot, bring to a boil and then simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and let sit for another five minutes or until ready to serve. It will stay hot in the pot for an hour as long as you keep it covered. Do not uncover to stir until you are ready to serve. Makes two cups prepared.

 This goes really good with spicy dishes, like exotic chicken recipes. Enjoy!

My Healthy QUICK Lunch

I decided to try this lunch out yesterday. I've been eating healthier, but have come to realize that sometimes healthy delicious lunches can take a bit of time to prepare. This one is super quick and easy. I made couscous on the stove, which is very simple. Just boil the water, remove from heat, add the couscous and leave it covered until the rest is ready. I heated the frozen spinach in the microwave, then added a little salt and pepper. Then I heated some canned tomatoes in the microwave and added a little bit of salt and pepper to them. The whole plate was less than 500 calories and I couldn't even finish it. Very filling, yummy, and healthy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Say it with Java!

I found this pumpkin block at the thrift store for a dollar. I brought it home, painted and decorated it. I've been trying to find things to use my extra coffee beans on. I might add a little head on the circle to make it look like a turkey for Thanksgiving.

I put it on the front porch with my other Fall decorations. 

I already had all these materials lying around my house. I just threw a bunch of stuff together to make a cute little basket decoration. It's on my front porch, too.

Apparently my new stylish decor was just what the local wildlife had been waiting for.

This lamp was given to me by my friend Whitney, (I told you we would be seeing that stuff on here). It was a plain silk lampshade. All I did was glue some coffee beans on it for extra texture. I was going to save this lamp to go on my night stand when I finally get one, but Phillip usurped it for his room.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Lack Thereof

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't had any new posts lately. We've had a lot going on at home. I promise there will be some awesome new posts this week!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Love Balls!!!

Okay, I couldn't resist that title. I guess I'm 13 today. Anyway, here are the latest decor balls I've come up with. The coffee bean balls I've seen all over the web, but I have no idea who to give credit to. The suede balls were my own creation. I'm sure you've noticed that I like purposefully sloppy looking stuff. Must be the hippie in me.

Coffee bean ball - I used a tennis ball and fabric glue, and just glued as I went along. Spray paint the ball before glueing the beans on.

Suede ball - I used a tennis ball, fabric glue and strips of suede. I glued the strips on in random places until the entire ball was covered.

Here is a display of all the different decor balls I have made. I think I'm in love!!! I still have a few more different kinds to try out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Slow Cooker Barbecue Chicken

The original recipe for this chicken can be found here, but I tweaked it a bit to fit the ingredients I had on hand. It turned out really well and got a big thumbs up from my boys.

You'll need:

6 chicken breasts
1/2 c balsamic vinaigrette
1/4 c brown sugar
2 tbsp soy sauce

I just put everything in the slow cooker for 8 hours on low, and shredded half way through.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Restaurant Review: "Buddy's Italian Restaurant" of Idaho Falls

When you're ready for a fresh, authentic Italian meal, Buddy's is there to oblige. So what can you expect from this spacious, elegantly decorated establishment? Here's my rundown.

At a first glance, I almost didn't believe what I was seeing. The menu seemed very expensive. Almost too much for a regular date night. I mentioned to my husband that we could just have a drink and go somewhere else, but he said we should just stay. The waitress came over and was very helpful. It turns out the $20 entrees are big enough for two people to share, and they come with a drink, an antipasto, garlic bread, salad, and dessert. We decided this was a good option for us. One of the entree options was two 1/2 orders of pasta with meatballs in your choice of marinara or alfredo sauce. Mike chose rigatoni in marinara sauce, and I chose ravioli in alfredo sauce.

The first thing to arrive was our antipasto and salad. I'm not a huge fan of fancy meats and cheeses, but Mike really liked them. there were about ten thinly sliced pieces of salami, pepperoni, and cheese on a little saucer, along with a couple of mini peppers. Very small, but tasty and unexpected. The waitress brought a huge bowl of salad. Definitely big enough for two. If I could describe the salad in a word, it would be.... refreshing. Finally, a salad I can actually dig in to! The lettuce was fresh and crisp, and the dressing was phenomenal. You don't get any dressing options, there is just the Buddy's dressing. But it's delicious so I didn't mind at all.

Next we gout our bread. The waitress had suggested that she really likes the garlic bread topped with cheese, so we decided to give it a try. It was crispy, garlicy, and cheesy... no surprises, but    still yummy.

It took about 25 minutes before we got our entrees. This seems like a long time, but they make their ravioli from scratch when you order it. It even says on the menu that it takes longer to prepare. I can see why. My ravioli was amazing. Just one bite and I was hooked. The ravioli itself was divine, but coupled with their alfredo sauce, to die for! I was intrigued by the one huge meatball on the plate. Interesting and unique. It tasted pretty great, too!

It would be unfair for me to review Mike's entree, so the rest of this paragraph will be in his words.  WILL UPDATE TOMORROW

Magic Cookie Bars


Oh man, I'm going to kill Whitney for introducing me to this dessert. I'm guessing I'm going to gain about 2 pounds this month, ha ha. My boys loved these silly things. Here's what you'll need:

1/2 c margarine, melted
1 1/3 c graham cracker crumbs
1 c dried cranberries or crushed walnuts
3/4 c butterscotch chips
3/4 c chocolate chips
1 1/2 c coconut flakes
1 1/3 c sweetened condensed milk

In a 9x13 pan, layer the ingredients in the order seen. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until coconut starts to brown. Allow adequate time to cool, then cut into 16 squares and enjoy!

Rice Ball

  Okay, so how many people thought this was a recipe??? Come on, be honest now. Gotcha!!! This is actually a post for more decor balls. I've seen pinto bean balls around, but I didn't have any beans of any kind. All I had in my pantry was rice. Still super cute and fun!

This isn't how my display is actually going to look, just wanted a picture of all the balls I've made together,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I've Created a Monster!!!

Okay, so maybe not a real live monster. I have seen these types of toys for sale in the store for up to twenty dollars a piece. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. So i got about seventy five cents worth of material and made one for Danny. It was a bit labor intensive figuring out a pattern and cutting all the pieces, but i really like it. I'm probably going to make ten or fifteen to sell at the craft fair. I will post a tutorial soon.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Zesty Chicken Soup

A delicious chicken and tomato based soup, derived from my popular  "Taco Soup."

64 oz. chicken broth
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1 tablespoon onion powder
3 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 onion, chopped
3 teaspoons minced garlic
1 (16 ounce) jar chunky salsa
2 (14.5 ounce) cans italian diced tomatoes
1 (28 oz ounce) can crushed tomatoes
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed tomato soup
1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained
2 (16 ounce) cans chili beans, undrained
1 (8 ounce) container sour cream

Put everything in a 7QT soup pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for half an hour. Remove and dice the chicken, then return it to the pot. Simmer an additional thirty minutes. Serve by itself or with dinner rolls. 


Here's a little sneak peak of some of the hair bows I will be selling at the craft fair.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Sorry for the lack of pictures. It was a crazy day, and I just wanted to get dinner over with. That said, here is what you'll need:

2 lbs. Shredded beef
Minced garlic
Olive oil
1/2 Red onion, chopped

Place all the above ingredients in a crockpot on low for 8-10 hours.

1 c. Miracle Whip
1 tsp. Minced garlic
Shredded mozzarella

Mix the miracle whip and garlic and set them in the fridge until beef is tender and you're ready to assemble the sandwiches. 

Preheat the oven to 500, slather buns with miracle whip mixture, then top with meat and mozzarella cheese. Bake until cheese is melted.

Very yummy, and my favorite part... SUPER EASY!!!

Antiqued Candlesticks

Remember these candlesticks I bought at the thrift store for 75 cents each? Well, I decided to antique them in the same almond finish I have in my dining room and put them in the curio cabinet.

I used Krylon brand almond spray paint with satin finish. I very lightly coated them from a distance twice, allowing drying time in between. 

I really like the way they came out. It was so easy.

Decorative Hemp Balls

I've seen people doing this for a long time now. I have always wanted to try it, but I'm usually not a big stickler for messy projects. And boy let me tell ya, this one is messy with a capital "M." 

You only need three things. Mod Podge, (or whatever glue you like to use) hemp, and balloons.

First blow your balloons up slightly smaller than the size ball you want. Then wrap the hemp around the balloon to figure out how much you will need.

Next pour some mod podge into a container and saturate your hemp.

Now wrap your balloon in the hemp in whatever pattern you choose. This WILL be messy!

Next lay them out to dry. Do not pop the balloons until the string is 100% dry. Otherwise, your hemp ball is likely to collapse in on itself. I would say twelve hours is a good drying time.

Now pop the balloons with a needle, and pull them out by the tied end.

Viola! These are so cute and make wonderful table decorations. You can leave them this color, spray paint them, decorate with accessories, whatever you wish. You might want to remove some of the dried glue with tweezers.