Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Poetry

A memory is fading, all the while I take a drink
I know it isn't worth it, but your presence makes me sink
My tears will fade and for a while my heart will bleed no more
I know I had a life, but my future is so unsure

I pour another glass because I still can see your face
Why won't this pain just go away, why won't this drink erase
Without you here I'm just not whole, and life itself is dim
I know it won't be much longer now, so I put my mouth to the rim

Oh grant me liquid freedom! Loose these ties that bind
Bless me with serenity and let my pain unwind
It will not be much longer now, I feel a sweet release
Suddenly I realize I need your inner peace
I need your face, your smile, your love, please don't disappear
I will drift off in your beauty, so grateful you're still here

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