Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coconut Rice

I get a little bored with plain white rice sometimes so I came up with a yummy coconut rice recipe. This isn't necessarily healthy, but it's not bad for you and my kids seemed to like it a lot. It's actually really simple, too!

You'll need:
     1 cup basmati rice
     1 cup coconut milk
     1 1/4 cup water
     salt and pepper to taste
     a couple of shakes of parsley

Combine all ingredients in a pot, bring to a boil and then simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and let sit for another five minutes or until ready to serve. It will stay hot in the pot for an hour as long as you keep it covered. Do not uncover to stir until you are ready to serve. Makes two cups prepared.

 This goes really good with spicy dishes, like exotic chicken recipes. Enjoy!

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