Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Okay, so who doesn't like pizza right? That isn't the issue with my big picky eater, aka Mike. He loves pizza so much that the thought of eating bad pizza is just too much for him to bare. So I found a combination of recipes that seems to do just the trick. Just the right sauce and crust, with simple manly toppings. The pizza pictured however is with my four year old's favorite toppings, pepperoni and mushrooms.

First, make your sauce. The sauce we use for our pizza can be found at

(I tried using a 1/4 of a minced onion in lieu of onion powder and it turned out great!)
Now it's time for the crust! We use this recipe,

The recipe says to let it sit for 10 minutes, but I wait an hour and then punch it down.

Now it's time to assemble the pizza. Just use whatever toppings your picky eaters love and enjoy!

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