Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crafty Catch Up

Here are a few of the things I've been working on lately.

This is a sixty year old fan that I painted and replaced the covers on. I think it looks a lot more elegant now.
I recently turned my entire living room into a sewing and decorating project. This is the tablecloth and flower arrangement I made.

Living room curtains.

Tablecloth, although our table has since fallen apart... another project maybe?

Pillows before I stuffed them. I haven't gotten around to taking finished photos of them yet.

More unstuffed pillows.

Just a picture I drew to go in a frame in our game room.

Danny's nursery curtains. I just love the turtles!

Not the world best picture, and the ottoman wasn't finished yet, but this is the glider I reupholstered for the nursery.

Well, I hope you enjoyed catching up with me. It's been a crazy year, but I'm looking forward to being much more proactive in my blogging. 'Til next time!