Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photography Critique

Here's another batch of my latest photography work. As always, I'm very interested in any tips or advice... or compliments... :)

Sunnyside Park


The airport again...

Yes, I'm aware I take a lot of pictures at the airport. What can I say, we're there all the time to pick up Daddy and they have a cute garden. Well, sound off in the comments with any suggestions!

Decorating Fever

I've been attempting to decorate my house for the past 6 months. Here is the living room so far. I made the curtains, pillows, and flower arrangement. The recliner will be saying goodbye as soon as I find a couple of nice conversation chairs to put on either side of the table. But that could be a while. I tend to be picky. Any tips?

I LOVE orchids... almost as much as I love calla lilies.

The recliner seems totally out of place, but it will have to do for now.

Our new sectional, I love it!

(I was trying to match this to the color on the orchids.)

Wall Art

I just had to find a way to change it and make it my own. I wanted something chunky, not flat (I'm a very bold decorator.) and the glaze wasn't really my style. So I used poplar board, scrapbook paper, spray adhesive, ribbon, fabric paint, and velcro. It was moderately easy and looks great in the bathroom I'm decorating.

If anyone has a suggestion on how to keep the paper from bubbling under humidity, PLEASE let me know.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I've been continuing to sew my photos into place. Today I had a little bit of a hiccup, though. The thread tension was all off and all my top stitches kept coming out on the bottom. It was very frustrating, especially since I'm such a novice with my machine. Luckily none of the pages were ruined, but you can definitely tell on a couple of them.

(This is one of the pages where the top stitches are reversed. These are supposed to be loops.)

Why yes, that is a flower on my little boys scrapbook page!

Two, in fact!

I was trying to create a unique border, not sure if I like it or not though.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Track Pad Protector

Ever since we ditched satellite TV and bought a media computer, we've been using this track pad to navigate our way around the television. A few days ago, upon noticing our one year old knocked a bottle of water over on it, we decided we needed to find a way to protect our precious track pad. So I got some scrap material from making our living room curtains, and whipped something up. It's not amazing by any means, but it gets the job done.

A Love Affair

Do you ever have one of those instances where you think of something so genius that you want to scream it to the world... and nobody is around but your toddler children. That happened to me today. I've known for a while about sewing on scrapbook pages, but never really ventured towards the idea. Then today I was trying to think of a better way to adhere my pictures onto the paper when... you guessed it!!! I'm now sewing my pictures on! I'm so lucky to have a very nice sewing machine that does designer stitches, and I LOVE the subtle look it gives. Here's a gander at my first few attempts.