Sunday, September 12, 2010

It runs in the family

This is what Phil was up to today while I was tending to the two one-year-olds.

I keep wondering if he ran out of space to write "criminal."

Can you find green puppy from Blue's Clue's?

WALL-E is his new favorite movie.

This one cracked me up.

There has been a lot of construction here this summer. That fact is not lost on Phil.

I don't have the heart to tell him that he has been spelling "super" wrong for the past week.

This one is great, PIXAR and THX. Someone has seen too much disney.

I think he likes Futurama.

Notice the picture of Leela with one eye?

He told me these are skyscrapers. I can't wait to take him to the city and actually show him some.

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